front of the taut area of her vulva. In a moment I was able to feel her protruding labia.
As I carried out the girl's instructions I continued to ask myself why on earth I was being asked to perform such a task. Of course it had its attractions, but it was at the same time deeply frustrating. I was unable to give myself to it without reserve for fear of being carried away. That I knew would anger Aunt Maria. Somehow I managed to keep control of myself, carrying out the girl's wishes almost automatically and without allowing myself to have any feelings about it.
When Gudrun appeared to be satisfied she got up and at once left my aunt's room.
'I can see that you are going to be of value to us, observed Madam Maria. 'That's as long as you don't allow you masculine urges to get the better of you. If you did that I would have to punish you, I think you realize that and will take proper care.'
There was a pause and then as if she had been in deep thought my aunt spoke again.
'I can see that you may have many difficulties in overcoming your libido and it's for that reason that I think I had better dress you in female clothes. That will help you to look at things differently.'
'Female clothes?' I gasped. I could never do that.'
'Oh, you ll soon get used to them and if I am